Discovery Interviews
Used in the information gathering stages of a project. Discovery Interviews are conversation between the organization and constituents that allows for those we serve to guide the conversation, and the organization’s sole purpose is to listen.
Learn more about Discovery Interviews here.
We use personas to help make meaning of the data gathered in Discovery Interviews. The persona is a reliable and realistic representation of those you serve or aim to serve with the solution you are designing.
Learn more about personas here.
New & Improved Tools
For tools of planning, information gathering, and for ideation, we use an extensive toolkit developed by New & Improved, LLC. These tools guide us in brainstorming many different ideas (divergent), and to help us choose the best idea to move to design (convergent).
Check out the New and Improved toolkit.
Feedback Grid
To test ideas that come out of ideations, we use the Feedback Grid to capture real-time feedback in a fast, cost effective manner. This is great for testing an idea, prototype, or just exploring a new concept.
Learn more about feedback grids here.
User Stories
Moving beyond Discovery Interviews, user stories allow us to hone in on the specific needs of our constituents. Originally used in software, a user story is an informal, quick way to capture the need of an individual you are servicing. User stories should always be written in the perspectives of the constituent that will use your end product. They typically follow a simple template: As a <type of user>, I want <some goal> so that <some reason>.
Learn how to write good user stories here.
Needs Assessments
Once we have determined needs to focus on, we form a holistic understanding of the needs of our constituents, we co-create with them a needs assessment. We use the user stories as the foundation. You can see an example of one here.
Design Thinking
The foundation of our Lab is an adapted a design thinking process that allows us to center our constituents and ensure that they have a “seat at the table.” Learn more about our process here.
Agile Mindset
We approach our work with a mindset that focuses on adaptive planning, iterative design, and openness to constant change. Learn more about the Agile process.