On March 1, TSNE welcomed the Alliance for Nonprofit Management as our newest fiscally sponsored organization.
Based out of New York City, the Alliance is a nationwide membership organization that seeks to increase the effectiveness of individuals, groups and organizations that support nonprofits working toward social change. Through the collective knowledge of its membership of consultants, coaches, funders, academics, and executives, the Alliance creates spaces for nonprofit professionals to learn and grow.
Keith Timko, the Alliance for Nonprofit Management’s board chair, sees the diverse background of its membership as one of its greatest strengths. “We thrive on inclusivity and are fueled by the different perspectives, creativity, and experiences of our members,” he said. “Together, we are the national voice and catalyst for the field of nonprofit capacity building.”
The Alliance for Nonprofit Management convenes its membership virtually through affinity groups and webinars, and in-person at their annual Capacity Builders Conference. Affinity groups share best practices, research, and personal perspectives around topics of capacity building, executive leadership transitions, and governance. As a result of member interest, new groups will be launching soon to place increased attention to race and equity issues, young professionals in the field, and consulting practice development. Through in-depth conversation and information sharing, the Alliance’s affinity groups are helping to build stronger, more informed leaders in the nonprofit sector.
TSNE has a long history of fiscally sponsoring membership organizations, providing the knowledge and experience that suit their specific needs. The Alliance for Nonprofit Management is now the third nationwide membership organization under its umbrella, joining the National Network of Fiscal Sponsors and Nonprofit Centers Network. Locally, TSNE was the co-founder and original fiscal sponsor of the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network, which now operates as an independent nonprofit organization. TSNE is a current member of all four groups.
“We are delighted to join the network of organizations that are fiscally sponsored by TSNE,” says Timko. “While we have been an independent 501(c)3 for many years, affiliating with TSNE as a fiscal sponsor will give us access to key human resources, financial management and fiscal strength that we wouldn’t have had as a stand-alone organization.”
The Alliance for Nonprofit Management’s 2019 Capacity Builders Conference: Facing Power and Privilege in Capacity Building will take place October 23-25 in St. Louis. To learn more about the Alliance for Nonprofit Management, visit them online.