Our Work

We strive to increase the affordability of our services to the organizations who need us the most, increase service to nonprofits that work with historically marginalized communities, and ensure that the organizations we support are committed to social justice.

Executive Search

We offer a personalized approach to executive search and transition with the resources and capacity of a larger institution. We’re dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion, not only in values, but in practice.

Our Annual Report

In our 2022 annual report, we unveiled our updated mission, vision, values, and goals, along with a new three-year strategic plan.

Research and Publications

We are commited to do the work across the nonprofit sector to build a more equitable society. Read our research and publications aimed towards creating change.

Insights Blog

Learn from voices across TSNE and the nonprofit sector about equity, nonprofit best practices, and more.

Salary Database

View salary data by organization budget, employee population, location, or field of service. Salary information represents reporting on nearly 35,000 individual salaries.

Training and Events

Our future workshops, trainings, and events.

About Us

We are a capacity building organization that partners with nonprofit organizations to provide the services, programs, and resources they need to support their communities and ultimately, create a more equitable society. 


Come work with us. Our office is located in the NonProfit Center at 89 South Street in downtown Boston. We value our nonprofit workforce by providing a comprehensive benefits package.

Nonprofit Jobs

As a fiscal sponsor, we are the employer of record for more than 50 organizations across the country. Find opportunities across the country.


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Jan 7, 2021 | Insights

A Statement from TSNE Regarding the Riots at the United States Capitol

Yesterday, we witnessed the outcome of the hatred, vitriol, dogma, lies and conspiracy theories espoused by elected officials charged with the sacred duty of leading our country and who are sworn to uphold and defend our Constitution and democracy. The attempt to incite a riot to overturn the result of a free and fair election is a shameful and seditious act, reminiscent of dictators and demagogues.

Since its founding, the United States has sought to be a beacon of freedom and democracy for the world. Throughout its history, immigrants and refugees have made the often life-threatening journey to our shores in order to seek refuge, safety, freedom, and a life free from fear and persecution. My family is no different. And while our democracy and our nation is far from perfect, and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color continue to fight and struggle for basic human rights on a daily basis, our nation rests on the premise that every time we cast a vote, that vote will be counted, and the will of the people to select our leaders will be carried out. Yesterday’s violence was an attempt to nullify those rights and our collective voice, reflecting the fear and anger of white supremacists who are fast becoming a small but dangerous minority in our country.

But we cannot let white supremacy and hatred win. We must continue to vote, organize, and protest to demand our rights, and create the country that we want to live in. TSNE’s mission is to build a more just and equitable society, but justice and equity are rarely given freely. Yesterday’s insurrection is evidence that our democracy can be fragile, and that our collective work is critical and urgent now, more than ever. Thank you for your part in making us a better nation and together we can, and must, create a more just and equitable society.