Dear TSNE Community,
This morning, five Supreme Court justices overturned Roe v. Wade, effectively eliminating a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body and her health. This decision, in the words of Justices Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan, marks the end of women’s “status as free and equal citizens.” Women and families no longer have the fundamental right to make informed decisions about their own bodies and health, stripping away what should be an essential right to make health care decisions for themselves.
This deplorable decision will have a ripple effect for many, including an overwhelming impact on BIPOC women and communities, those living in poverty, rural communities, and those with limited or no access to affordable and reliable healthcare.
At stake are potentially other rights afforded to marginalized communities stemming from the original Roe v. Wade decision, including rights to birth control, and the rights of the LGBTQ2SIA+ community to have authentic relationships and marriage equality.
While abortion remains legal through state legislation, including Massachusetts and the rest of New England, today’s Supreme Court decision is a direct violation of our core value of justice and our belief that all people have the dignity, resources, power, and self-determination to fully thrive. We will, and must fight even harder to create a more just world for all.
In response to this abhorrent decision, TSNE will ensure that our employees across the country have the ability to make their own health decisions, and safe access to the health and medical resources they need regardless of the state they reside in.
We stand in solidarity with all the women and families whose lives will be impacted by today’s decision, and with everyone around the world fighting for basic human rights. This decision is an assault on our fundamental rights of self-determination. And as history demonstrates, this is not the first time that marginalized communities have been assaulted and stripped of our rights. Nor will it be the last. But as history also demonstrates, we will, and must, find a way — as we have always done and continue to do.
Today we grieve. Tomorrow, we continue to fight.
TSNE Leadership Team
Faisal Abid, Luke Alonso, Michael Ibrahim, Geoff Lamont, Elaine Ng, Luzdy Rivera, and Noah Stockman.