A Deeper Analysis of Compensation and Benefits Data from Valuing Our Nonprofit Workforce
Our new analysis of nonprofit compensation should spark conversations about race and pay, and how our compensation decisions affect everyone in the sector.
For the past several years, TSNE has been looking at key trends in leadership, compensation, staff development and other areas that impact the resiliency of the nonprofit sector. In this new report, Wage Equity Matters by Lyn Freundlich and Owen Berson, we have an opportunity to look more closely at the data that relates to wage equity and racial and gender demographics. What we found are that white employees are still over-represented at the top, and wages for the lowest paid in our sector are inadequate. But while data helps us remain vigilant in identifying inequities, it should also spark a commitment to taking action to address the issues.
As we continue to think as a sector about how to create more diverse and inclusive organizations with people of color being recruited into leadership roles, it is important to look at who currently occupies the top jobs and what that means for the pipeline of leaders in our organizations.
Read the Report
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Read more: A deeper discussion of the report.
Related Reports
For the past several years, TSNE has been looking at key trends in leadership, compensation, staff development and other areas that impact the resiliency of the nonprofit sector. Valuing Our Nonprofit Workforce compensation studies (2017, 2014 and 2010), Opportunity in Change (2017, with The Boston Foundation) and the Leadership New England report (2015) all point to the impact that low pay, long hours and little preparation for advancement are having on the nonprofit workforce.