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Salary Database

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We are a capacity building organization that partners with nonprofit organizations to provide the services, programs, and resources they need to support their communities and ultimately, create a more equitable society. 


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Overview of Using this Database

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Overview Of Using This Database

This database provides information from TSNE’ Valuing Our Nonprofit Workforce survey. You will find salary information for 171 positions in nonprofits across Southern New England and Westchester County, N.Y. that were reported on in the survey. You can see a snapshot of the demographics (budget, employee population, location, field of service) of organizations that hold these positions. For information about the demographics (race, gender, years of experience for instance) of the individuals who hold these positions, please use the full report to be released in mid-July

Reviewing the Results and Data

Please keep the following considerations in mind when reviewing the data presented:

All nonprofits are different, and all jobs are unique. We urge you not to view this data as your “final answer” in deciding what to pay your staff. Rather, use this survey as one tool or resource, along with many others, to decide what is right for your organization.

Positions Reported in the Survey and Confidentiality of the Data

The survey instrument requested information for 242 job titles. This report presents compensation levels for each of the 171 jobs for which data was collected from at least five unique organizations.

Why You May Not See Any Data Reported

  • A minimum of responses from five (5) organizations is required to report compensation in any data subset
  • There must be at least five (5) incumbents (employees) in a data subset in order to report the “average by employee” and “average by organization” pay
  • There must be five (5) incumbents in a data subset to report the median pay
  • Meaningful percentiles require a larger sample of data, so the where the data for any position provided data for less than least twelve (12) incumbents, pay at the 10th, 25th, 75th and 90th percentiles is not included
  •  In cases where 50% or more of the responses come from a single organization, only the “average by organization” pay rate is reported

These thresholds ensure the confidentiality of data for all participating organizations. Therefore, a number of positions presented in the survey questionnaire are not reported on in the findings, and different positions may present differing data sets that do not report on all factors.

  • This survey database has information on the compensation practices in effect on December 1, 2016, as reported by the 342 responding nonprofit organizations. The survey data, therefore, is not a scientifically selected sample from which conclusions can be drawn about all nonprofits in the survey area and/or beyond. Also, the results are not intended to represent an ideal of what compensation and benefits should be.
  • This is not a scientific comparison of nonprofits located in different regions that we surveyed, or in one field versus another. The mix of sizes and types of nonprofits and the jobs associated with each organization means there are multiple variables for you to compare and consider.

Download a list of all of the jobs reported on in the searchable database.

Matching Our Surveyed Jobs to Your Jobs

When seeking salary data for a particular job, it is important to carefully match your organization’s job duties and responsibilities with those indicated for the survey positions.

  • Each job title is defined by an accompanying job description. Different organizations may use the same or similar job title to designate very different jobs.
  • To find compensation data for a specific job within your organization, first match the position to the job description that is found at the top of each position report. You can then review several job descriptions within a job function to determine the best match for your job.
  • You can build your report by selecting and adding your desired criteria (e.g., budget, employee population, location, field of service) from the dropdown menus that are provided.
  • To ensure that the job description you choose is as similar as possible to the actual job in your organization, at least 80 percent of the job responsibilities and requirements should be the same or comparable.

Geographic Location of Responding Organizations


  • Route 195/Eastern Route 95: Windham County CT, New London County CT, Bristol County MA, Rhode Island
  • New Haven Coastal: Middlesex County CT, New Haven County CT
  • New England Gateway: Fairfield County CT, Westchester County NY
  • Greater Hartford: Hartford County CT, Tolland County CT
  • Western MA and Litchfield County CT: Litchfield County CT, Berkshire County MA, Franklin County MA, Hampden County MA, Hampshire County MA
  • Eastern MA, Not Including Boston: Essex County MA, Middlesex County MA (other than Cambridge), Norfolk County MA, Worcester County MA
  • Boston & Cambridge: Suffolk County MA, City of Cambridge MA
  • Cape Cod & The Islands: Barnstable County MA, Dukes County MA, Nantucket County MA, Plymouth County MA
  • State of Connecticut, State of Massachusetts, State of Rhode Island

Compensation levels are reported for nonprofits based on the following regions, which group organizations within somewhat similar and adjacent geographical and economic areas in order to provide local information that is as relevant and robust as possible. Compensation levels are also reported statewide for Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

Determining and Comparing Compensation Points

  • When developing compensation programs, a nonprofit organization should consider its compensation philosophy and the internal value of its jobs, in addition to the reported survey data.
  • Review all the criteria data subsets (e.g., Budget, Field of Service) to locate those most relevant to your organization. Note that the pay for senior level nonprofit positions is most often influenced by the size of an organization, with larger organizations tending to pay higher salaries. However, organizational size typically has less effect on less-senior, and supervisory, professional and support jobs.
  • It may also be helpful to consider the variable information provided within a subset of data. For example, if your organization’s budget is $9 million, it may be appropriate to compare third quartile salary data in the budget group ranging from $2.5 to $9.9 million, against your Executive Director’s salary. Or, if you are planning substantial growth in the immediate future and your budget for the next year is expected to be more than $10 million, then consider using the compensation information from the Budget data subsets showing pay levels for larger organizations.
  • Keep in mind that pay is a moving target and that it can be difficult to gauge how salaries in nonprofit organizations are changing over time. The data in this database was reported as of December 1, 2016. To age compensation data from this point, making an increase to a reported salary of 0.02% to 0.25% per month (2.4% to 3.0% per year) appears to be a conservative, but reasonable adjustment.