Align your board, leadership, and staff with strategies to advance your mission. We can support your organization as you think strategically about the systems, policies, programs and processes that guide your operations. Contact us for more information about the following services:
Board Development
Our board training and development emphasizes a proactive partnership with your organization’s leaders. It includes creating an understanding of the board’s roles and responsibilities, the characteristics of an effective board, and evaluating what skills the board needs to achieve long term goals.
Change Management
Our approach to change management combines thoughtful and detailed execution with empathetic and values-aligned support for staff. We provide the expert support you need while also supporting nonprofits to create the space for staff to process change.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
We can bring a DEI lens to your capacity building needs. Our consultants partner with you to seek and integrate perspectives from different parts of your organization and make sure that your internal practices reflect organizational mission and values.
Organizational Assessments
Our approach to organizational assessments leverages the wisdom, expertise, and perspective of the folks who know your organization best — your staff, board, clients, partners, and funders. We partner with you to design an assessment process which ensure we ask the right questions of the right people and in the right way — whether it be through individual interviews, focus groups, surveys, or a combination of all three. We then bring that data back to your whole organization in order to develop a shared understanding of the data and its implications for your organization’s future priorities.
Strategic Planning
A thoughtful, well-designed strategic plan, reflective of community needs and the wider ecosystem, is an essential tool for nonprofit effectiveness. Our approach to strategic planning is first and foremost informed by client need, and each engagement applies our principles of equity, partnership and collaboration, and excellence.
Team Development
A high-performing team not only drives impact but also serves as a model for others in your organization. Investing in team development is an important way to reach this goal—whether it’s for a newly formed team that you want to get started on the right foot, or to help an existing team manage a tricky conflict or become even more effective. We bring evidence-driven, research-based tools, resources, and methods that leverage behavioral psychology, neuroscience, interpersonal and group dynamics, and complex adaptive systems theory to help teams grow, learn, and evolve together in a way that is appreciative, asset-based, sustainable, and values-aligned.