Our Work

We strive to increase the affordability of our services to the organizations who need us the most, increase service to nonprofits that work with historically marginalized communities, and ensure that the organizations we support are committed to social justice.

Executive Search

We offer a personalized approach to executive search and transition with the resources and capacity of a larger institution. We’re dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion, not only in values, but in practice.

Annual Reports & Financials

Learn about our yearly progress as an organization and access our financial information.

Research and Publications

We are commited to do the work across the nonprofit sector to build a more equitable society. Read our research and publications aimed towards creating change.

Insights Blog

Learn from voices across TSNE and the nonprofit sector about equity, nonprofit best practices, and more.

Salary Database

View salary data by organization budget, employee population, location, or field of service. Salary information represents reporting on nearly 35,000 individual salaries.

Training and Events

Our future workshops, trainings, and events.

About Us

We are a capacity building organization that partners with nonprofit organizations to provide the services, programs, and resources they need to support their communities and ultimately, create a more equitable society. 


Come work with us. Our office is located in the NonProfit Center at 89 South Street in downtown Boston. We value our nonprofit workforce by providing a comprehensive benefits package.

Nonprofit Jobs

As a fiscal sponsor, we are the employer of record for more than 50 organizations across the country. Find opportunities across the country.


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Our Fiscally Sponsored Organizations

A Way Home America

A Way Home America is a leader in the youth homelessness movement, uniting with national partners to ensure our systems work for all youth.

Blue Butterfly Collaborative

Blue Butterfly Collaborative’s mission is to inspire children around the world to reach their full potential. They partner with producers in low- and middle-income countries to develop high-quality children’s media for education, health, and the promotion of respect and understanding across group divides.

BUILD Initiative

The BUILD Initiative is a national organization that advances work on behalf of young children from prenatal to five, their families, and communities.

Building Movement Project

The Building Movement Project develops research, tools, training materials and opportunities for partnership that bolster nonprofit organizations’ ability to support the voice and power of the people they serve.

Center to Support Immigrant Organizing

The mission of the Center to Support Immigrant Organizing (CSIO) is to support and help develop the work of individuals, groups, organizations and communities dedicated to organizing immigrants around the issues that affect their lives.

Commonwealth Seminar

The Commonwealth Seminar is a privately funded program with the mission of: "Opening the Doors of Government to Everyone". It is an intensive training program focused on teaching diverse leaders how the legislative process really works.

Community Boat Building

Founded in 2007, Community Boat Building’s mission is to bring real world experience and academic skills together to stimulate excitement for learning among low-income students in Boston Public Schools through boat building and coastal experiences. 

Design Studio for Social Intervention

The Design Studio for Social Intervention is an artistic research and development outfit for the improvement of civil society and everyday life. DS4SI is dedicated to changing how social justice is imagined, developed and deployed here in the United States.

Early Childhood Funders Collaborative

The Early Childhood Funders' Collaborative created the BUILD Initiative in 2002. A consortium of private foundations, ECFC provides networking, information sharing, and strategic grantmaking opportunities to its members.

Early Educator Investment Collaborative

The vision of the Early Educator Investment Collaborative is a country where there is no opportunity gap among children, where every child makes lasting gains in cognitive, social, and emotional development through their early care and education experience. They are working to link early educator professional competencies with professional compensation and to transform the preparation of early educators.

Farm to Institution New England

Farm to Institution New England is a six-state network of nonprofit, public and private entities working together to transform our food system by increasing the amount of good, local food served in our region’s schools, hospitals, colleges, correctional facilities, and other institutions. The FINE network consists of non-profit organizations, government agencies, institutions, foundations, farms, food distributors, food processors, food service operators and others.

First Teacher

First Teacher is a community of parents and caregivers working together to prepare all our children for success in kindergarten and beyond.

Future Chefs

Future Chefs prepares teens for successful life and work after high school. The goal is to cultivate a vibrant cohort of young professionals who are committed to advancing the culinary arts and beyond.

Gardening the Community

​Gardening The Community is a food justice organization engaged in youth development, urban agriculture and sustainable living to build healthy and equitable communities.

Healthy Places By Design

Healthy Places by Design advances community-led action and proven, place-based strategies to ensure health and wellbeing for all. They envision a nation of healthy, equitable communities where everyone reaches their full potential.

Institute for Social and Economic Development

The mission of ISED Solutions is to strengthen the social and economic well-being of individuals and communities in the United States and worldwide. ISED Solutions provides consulting and evaluation to organizations focused on refugee and immigrant services and economic and asset development to help improve long-term social and economic outcomes for low income people.

Integrity Initiatives International

The mission of Integrity Initiatives International is to strengthen the enforcement of criminal laws to punish and deter leaders who are corrupt and regularly violate human rights, and also to create opportunities for the democratic process to replace them with leaders dedicated to serving their citizens rather than enriching themselves.

Legal Key Partnership (formerly MLPB)

Legal Key Partnership's mission is to create access to legal knowledge for health and social service sectors and empower those communities to use legal problem-solving to improve wellbeing. Through legal education, workforce support and social care program design, Legal Key impacts systems, care professionals, and the individuals they serve.

Massachusetts Farm to School

Mass. Farm to School strengthens local farms and fisheries and promotes healthy communities by increasing local food purchasing and education at schools.

Massachusetts Voter Table

The Massachusetts Voter Table advances civic access, engagement, and representation to increase resources and power for people of color and working-class people toward achieving a multiracial democracy. The Massachusetts Voter Table is committed to a long-term organizing strategy that advances our vision of a more democratic and equitable society.

Population Health Improvement Partners

Population Health Improvement Partners aims to help the US become the healthiest country in the world. They are a group of improvers, learners and change agents who are passionate about partnering to equitably improve population health outcomes and create a healthier world.

Rhode Island Land Trust Council

The Rhode Island Land Trust Council works to permanently conserve open and natural lands in Rhode Island by supporting land trusts, promoting responsible use and stewardship of conserved lands, and advocating for sound land conservation policy.

School and State Finance Project

The School and State Finance Project is a nonpartisan, nonprofit policy organization that works collaboratively with policymakers, communities, and other key stakeholders to develop data-driven solutions that ensure all Connecticut public school students receive equitable education funding that supports their learning needs.

The Basics, Inc.

The Basics, Inc. grew out of the Achievement Gap Initiative at Harvard University in partnership with the Black Philanthropy Fund in Boston. Their mission is to bolster brain development for social, emotional, and cognitive skill building among children from birth to age three as a sturdy foundation for school readiness across whole communities.

The Carrot Project

The Carrot Project supports agricultural businesses securing their futures by breaking down financial barriers, and building their path to sustainability.

The Network for Public Health Law

The Network for Public Health Law provides visionary leadership in the use of law to protect, promote and improve health and health equity. They provide non-partisan legal technical assistance and resources, collaborating with a broad set of partners across sectors to expand and enhance the use of practical legal and policy solutions.


We Can Create a More Just Society

Work with us to get the support you need to forward your mission.